Extended list of
meetings in organization
of IZA and FEZA members
can be found here.
was on the news page from 12/2/2021 to 18/6/2021
Anual Assembly of Croation Zeolite Association
was made by online videoconference at 10.12.2020. All CROZA officials were re-elected for a term of two years.
was on the news page from 4/2/2020 to 9/10/2020
2020 EFCATS Summer School
will be held in Portorose, 15-19 September 2020., if the circumstances about coronavirus allow it.
More about School at
was on the news page from 1/12/2019. to 4/2/2020.
We invite You to the lecture of Dr Aleksandra Daković
under title "Natural modified zeolites and their application in animal nutrition, pharmaceutical formulations and water purification"
which will held at Ruder Bošković Institute, Tuesday, 3.12.2019. in Ivan Supeks' lecture room (1. wing) starting at 13 h. Lecture is part of seminar coorganized by RBIs' Division of Materials Chemistry and Croatian Zeolite Association.
Dr. Aleksandra Daković works at Institute for Technology of Nuclear and other Mineral Raw Materials (ITNMS) Belgrade, her short CV and lecture abstract can be seen
was on the news page from 27/5/2018 to 15/7/2019
Dr. Margeta is guest/editor of the book titled "Zeolites-New Challenges", publisher is IntechOpen. More about book, or if You are interested in publishing of the chapter, can be found on this link.
was on the news page from 5/11/2018 to 20/2/2019
Dear colleagues, members of Croatian Zeolite Association, we invite you to the
Annual General Assembly of the CROZA
which will be held at December 7, 2018, room 110. at VII. wing at RBI, (Bijenička 54, Zagreb), beginning at 13:30 h.
Agenda:was on the news page from 12/1/2017 to 5/12/2018
The 7th Slovenian-Serbian-Croatian Symposium on Zeolites (7SSCSZ)
The call for abstract submission is opened. The Symposium will be held in Ljubljana May 25-27, 2017. More about Symposium is available at following web pages: 7SSCSZ
Second Cronstedts' Award
The FEZA has announced tha call for 2nd Cronstedt Award, which will be granted at 7th FEZA Conference (Sofia, Bulgaria, July 3-7, 2017). More about Award and rules is available here
FEZA Prize for The Best Doctorate
The FEZA also announced the call for the best Ph.D. work. The new rules can be found at The Best Doctorate.
FEZA Ph.D. Student Grants
The FEZA Ph.D. Student Grants for events under auspices of FEZA are now available. For details about Grants and supported current events click here.
The 7th FEZA Conference
will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, July 3-7, 2017. More about Conference is available at following web pages: 7th FEZA Conference.
was on the news page from 15/12/2015 to 12/1/2017
6th Croatian-Slovenian-Serbian Symposium on Zeolites
The 6th Slovenian-Croatian Symposium on Zeolites was held in Šibenik, October 1-3, 2015.
There was around 40 participants with 3 plenary, 7 invited and 16 section lectures.
Many thanks to Organizers (co-chairs: Prof. dr. N. Vukojević Medvidović, Dr. T. Antonić Jelić, and also to dr. sc. S. Slavica Matešić) at very good symposium organization, hospitality and excursion to Etnoland.
Short version of photoalbums from 6CSSSZ are available at links Šibenik 1-3.10.2015. and Excursion to Etnoland - Pakovo Selo.
was on the news page until 3/7/2015
Dear colleagues, members of Croatian Zeolite Association, we invite you to the
9th Regular Annual General Assembly of the CROZA
which will be held at May 25, 2015, lecture room 1. at RBI, (Bijenička 54), beginning at 10 h.
Agenda:was on the news page until 3/2/2012
The 4th Slovenian-Croatian Symposium on Zeolites was held in Ljubljana October 17-18, 2011.
There was around 40 participants with 2 plenary, 7 invited and 5 section lectures as well as 16 posters.
Many thanks to Local Organizing Committee (chairwoman Nataša Novak Tušar) at very good symposium organization and hospitality.
Short version of photoalbums from 4SCSZ are available at links day 1 and day 2.